Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I Samual 17:34 "...then a lion came..."
One situation. Many perspectives.

Yesterday the clutch went out on my car. Yesterday my husband was in the air flying to Louisiana. First, kudos to military moms and single moms and moms that have to go it alone for a period of time without your man. You are resilient and Glad tough. I will spare you the craziness of the day with two kids, schedules and the timing of it all. I do want to share what the Lord has brought to my mind.

When my clutch went out, I was on my way to get my youngest daughter from school. As I had to walk back to somewhere to borrow a phone or find someone to help, and after a small spell of whining (yeap, it was short), I praised the Lord for His provision. I asked Him who He wanted me inconvenience and bless today. I knew He would help me manage to get my daughter from school. I knew He would help me get to the airport 30 miles away and get the second vehicle. I knew He would help me get my car to the shop. I knew He would help me get my oldest daughter from school later and make her dental appointment as well. I went into this with confidence in His provision and looking for someone to bless. That was one perspective.

My husband on the other hand recalled July's expense when I busted my oil pan while he was in the air to New Jersey. He saw December's expense when we had to replace the struts and buy new tires to make it road worthy for our vacation. He saw a money pit. Frankly, I wasn't expecting that perspective. Though it made me think this morning.

How do you look at the 'lion's' that come your way? How do you look at the temptations, trials, dangers, and misfortunes that some your way? No matter the outward appearance, do you look at them as opportunities from God in disguise? Or do you have a sense of fear or alarm? Even the tabernacle of God was covered with badger skins and goat hair. No one would think there would be any glory there, yet the Shechinah glory of God was very evident underneath the covering. (Streams in the Desert)

May you ask the Lord today to give you a fresh perspective, a new set of eyes, a view through His eyes to the world around you. May you see the fierce lion's as opportunities from the Lord to bless and praise His name.

As for blessing someone else, I may never know that. I do know the Lord blessed me richly. A local coffee shop owned by a gentleman in our church is where I waited for my ride to the airport to retrieve our second vehicle. When the owner heard my saga, he quickly offered to get my car where it needed to be. At this point my head was spinning and I simply handed over my keys, called him an hour later and told him where the car needed to be and he got it there. To him that was "no big deal", to me it was a huge deal. Psalm 116:5 How kind the LORD is! How good he is! So merciful, this God of ours!

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